Heating expenses getting out of hand? Keep your home’s heat where you need it and don’t let it sneak outside. Weatherization is the process which works to save you money by increasing the insulation and air sealing of your residence. As Vermonters, we know some best practices to staying warm, like layering a sweater underneath a jacket that stops the wind. This same idea is used when looking at the weatherization opportunities where you live. Whether you rent, are a homeowner, or a landlord, there are affordable programs available. Learn about the programs and options available to you from Southeastern Vermont Community Action’s GreenSavingSmart Financial and Energy Coach, Kevin O’Brien, who can help you through the process.
The workshop will be held on Monday February 6th from 6-8pm virtually and in person at the Brooks Memorial Library in the meeting room, upstairs next to the children’s room.
For more information and to register contact Kevin O’Brien by email at kobrien@sevca.org