GreenSavingSmart AFCPE Scholarship Award Recipient

By Kelsey Gibb, GreenSavingSmart Statewide Team Lead

In order to provide our participants with the highest level of service possible, all of our GreenSavingSmart Financial and Energy Coaches are working towards becoming AFCPE Accredited Financial Counselors. GreenSavingSmart is very thankful for the generous AFCPE Scholarship awarded to our team thanks to the work of Capstone Community Action’s Director of Community Economic Development, Liz Scharf.

Who is AFCPE? Formed in 1983, the Association for Financial Counseling and Planning Education is the Nationally Recognized Leader in Financial Counseling and Education. Counselors are trained to work with clients through life-cycle financial education to create lasting behavior impact. AFC certification represents the highest standard in the field of financial counseling and education.

The AFCPE Accredited Financial Counselor certification curriculum provides GreenSavingSmart coaches with training on topics such as:

·       Spending plans

·       Credit reports and scores

·       Employment considerations

·       Debt management

·       Renting and home ownership

·       Financial risk

If you would like to work with one of our qualified coaches to help with your personal finances and energy costs for free, check out our program eligibility requirements and reach out to your local Community Action Agency or apply through our website here.


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